Chicken Adobo

Yes, my adobo has veggies! It’s not the typical adobo recipe any Filipino might have grown up eating as this iconish dish is typically all meat!

What is Fiipino adobo? Aside from lumpia (eggrolls) and pancit (noodles), adobo is the top dish for Fiipinos. Everybody has their own recipe - mine always has veggies (potatoes and bellpeppers)


2 lbs chicken breast with skin and thighs (Yes, you need the skin(fats) otherwise, it’ll be too dry!)


  • 1/4 cup vinegar

  • 1/4 soy sauce

  • 1 tablespoon olive oil (most cooks do NOT do this, it adds more flavor)

  • 2 cloves garlic , crushed

  • 1/4 teaspoon freshly cracked peppercorns 

  • 1/2 teaspoon brown sugar (it does wonders and helps with sauce caramelization)

  • 2 bay leaves

My add on:

  • 1 red bell pepper (fajita style cut)

  • 2 medium sized Yukon gold potatoes, quartered

In a bowl, combine chicken with the marinade mix.  Cover and marinate in the fridge for an hour or two tops.

Let’s Cook!

  1. Boil it over high heat (usually 5 minutes).

  2. Adjust the heat, cover the pot and simmer for 30 minutes. Stir occasionally.

  3. Add the potatoes and bell peppers, stir occasionally, simmer for 10 more minutes until both veggies are cooked. Pot still covered.

  4. Time to reduce the sauce - remove the lid and continue to simmer.

    NOTE: Taste test! IF there’s too much liquid and veggies and meat are already tender, you can remove some of it, then wait until the sauce caramelizes to your liking.

Best enjoyed with white steamed rice! Usually pair it with reds (Cabs, Syrah,etc) or whites (Sauvignon Blanc)

